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Absolute returns of Emerging Markets and DM indexes(gross total return) since 1989

Absolute returns of Emerging Markets and DM indexes(gross total return) since 1989.png

Total returns across asset classes

Total returns across asset classes.png

Total returns of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index (since 2000)

Total returns of the MSCI EM Index (since 2000).png

Rolling three-year returns annualized since 1979

Rolling three-year returns annualized since 1979.png

Distribution of 5-year returns for S&P 500 (1928-2018)

Distribution of 5-year returns for S&P 500 (1928-2018).png

Distribution of 1-year returns for S&P 500 (1928-2018)

Distribution of 1-year returns for S&P 500 (1928-2018).png

U.S. 10-Yr. treasury bond real total return index 1926 to date

U.S. 10-Yr. treasury bond real total return index.png

Correlation between stock and bond returns

Correlation between stock and bond returns.png

The euro and equities returns

The euro and equities returns.png

Expect lower returns for longer

Expect lower returns for longer.png

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