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Relative Performance of U.S. Equity and Bonds (1980-2015)

Relative Performance - Eqty vs Bonds.png

Relative Growth of Merril Corporate and Treasuries Indices

Relative Growth - Merryll Corporate and Treasury Index.png

Protectionism: Winners and Losers


Private Sector Debt Not Privately Financed, as a Percentage of GDP

Private Sector Debt not Privately Financed.png

U.S. Median Mortgage Payments and Rents as a Percentage of Median Income

Median Mortgage Payments.png

Managed Futures and Trend-Following Managed Futures Returns from 2000-2016

Managed Futures with Returns.png

Global Income Growth from 1988 to 2008

Income Growth.png

U.S. Distribution of Wealth is the Worst Since the Great Depression

Dist. of Wealth.png

69% of Americans Have Less than $1,000 in Savings

American Savings.png

The Rate of Startup Formation in the US has been Declining for Decades


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