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Cash Flows in Market Segments Since 1990: Wax and Wane


US vs. Global ex-US Equity Performance Since 1969

US vs. Global ex-US Equity Performance Since 1969.png

US Long Term Bond Yield 1938-1963

US Long Term Bond Yield 1938-1963.png

US Broad Trade-Weighted Dollar since 2006

US Broad Trade-Weighted Dollar since 2006.png

Since 1972, Return on US Equities has Outperformed that of International Equities More Often

Since 1972, Return on US Equities has Outperformed that of International Equities More Often.png

Rising Yields Have Historically Been Associated with Outperformance of the Russell 1000 Value Index Since 2002

Rising Yields Have Historically Been Associated with Outperformance of the Russll 1000 Value Index Since 2002.png

Mean Wealth for Different Risks in Select Portfolios

Mean Wealth for Different Risks in Select Portfolios.png

Long Term Returns Have Declined Since 1954

Long Term Returns Have Declined Since 1954.png

Hypothetical Performance During the 10 Largest Drawdowns for a US 60/40 Portfolio (1900-2014)

Hypothetical Performance During the 10 Largest Drawdowns for a US 60-40 Portfolio.png

Expected and Realized Real Return of a U.S. 60-40 Portfolio from 1900-2016

Expected and Realized Real Return of a U.S. 60-40 Portfolio from 1900-2016.png

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